Ed Gallagher, founder of Good Will Distributors which later became Good Will Publishers, hired a Bible salesman named Thomas Baugh that turned out to marry his daughter, Edith. Together, the happy couple raised six children and in the process of doing so imparted wisdom and a strong set of values.

Today, Brenda Craig, the second of the six children, lives in Gastonia and represents Ward 6 (West Gastonia) on the City Council. In talking with Brenda, one can quickly surmise the Baugh children were fed a healthy dose of instruction to guide their lives. Caring for the community was instilled in the Baugh children. “Takers eat well, Givers sleep well” is an expression Brenda remembers from her childhood. This expression has served as the basis for decisions she has had to make in considering if a position taken would serve the whole or just a select few. Brenda remembers her parents directing their children to live outside themselves and to always be active in the community.

In 1995, Brenda started a fund at the Community Foundation in honor of her parents. The Thomas E. and Edith G. Baugh Fund is in place to support youth oriented causes such as scholarships and educational opportunities as a way to honor her parents’ memory and life work.

Growing up in Gastonia, Brenda attended Sacred Heart and met her husband, Sidney Craig at Sweetland’s, a local hang out and drug store in downtown Gastonia. A particular memory from her teenage years revealed that Mr. Baugh was ahead of his time in supporting the local economy. Brenda, it seems, wanted a stylish new prom dress and planned to shop in Charlotte or Atlanta for just the right one. Upon hearing this request, her father explained emphatically, “Young lady, if you can’t find a dress in Gastonia, you are not going to the prom. I make my money here!” Although not appreciated at the time, the message of keeping resources within the community was heard loud and clear.

Brenda and Sidney were married in 1959 and have raised two children: Chip and Dawn Marie. Brenda stayed home with children until they were in school. Once she joined the working world, Brenda was recruited to be a member of the Rotary Club of Gastonia. Seeing the Rotary Club as a vehicle to make a difference in the community, Brenda served on many committees. Jick Garland, former Gastonia Mayor, asked Brenda to chair the Crime and Drug Task Force. She accepted and worked alongside 12-15 committee members to implement policies and guidelines to keep our community safe. Town meetings were held with focus groups yielding many good recommendations for the city and county which each could choose to adopt. One example was to increase DARE officers in the schools and monies for drug education. This experience proved to be a valuable introduction into local government. It was an opportunity to meet people and work with government staff.

At one point in her career, Brenda went to work for First Gaston Bank as Assistant VP of the small business portfolio. The bank encouraged community involvement and activity so this served as a good fit. After two years, an opportunity presented itself with the Gaston Chamber of Commerce which was yet another vehicle to promote Gastonia and Gaston County. In June 2009, Brenda was appointed to the City Council to fulfill a vacant term. The appointment caused her to reflect on the path she had taken to this point and to realize that without her direct knowledge, she had been building a resume and had been preparing for this service. When her term length was up she ran in the next election and won.

Another example of community outreach within the family involves Sidney Craig, Brenda’s husband of 54 years. Some of Sidney’s friends, knowing him to be an outdoorsman, approached him about becoming involved in Troop 4 at First ARP Church. Sidney agreed and found he enjoyed the interaction with a boy lead organization that promoted morality and strong ethics. He began serving on the Board of Review and volunteered for 10 years until his recent retirement as Scout Master. During his tenure, 24 scouts earned the highest rank of Eagle in Troop 4.

Brenda’s brother Tommy Baugh was an Eagle Scout. Scouting was a very important part of his life. As a member of the St. Michael’s Scout Troop, he had fond memories of time spent at Camp Bud Schiele. He and Sidney would discuss the memories but also the current condition and need of improvements. Tommy one day sent a check to be used as Sidney thought best. Setting up a fund at the Community Foundation was decided as the course of action until it was determined how to best utilize funds. Since the BSA Troop 4 of First ARP Church Fund has been established, others have contributed and the money is being used to make much needed improvements to the Camp. Sadly, we lost Tommy Baugh in the fall of 2012 to a battle with cancer but not before he made a meaningful appearance at the Allen Sims Dinner to honor his long time friend, Johnny Long. We will miss Tommy and his participation and support of the Community Foundation and all his many contributions to this community.

Brenda Craig and her family have a history of giving back to our community. It should not be surprising to learn that she is not stopping there and looking back but rather looks ahead to a bright and bold future. Brenda’s most recent endeavor is a joint project between the City of Gastonia and the Optimist Club to build a Park adjacent to the Greater Gastonia Boys and Girls Club, formerly West Gastonia Boys and Girls Club. The Gastonia Optimist Club Park Fund has recently been established at the Community Foundation to provide funding for the park. The renderings are available and detail how beautiful and functional the park will be completed.

Congratulations to Brenda and Sidney Craig for contributing in so many ways to the growth and health of our community. As the impetus of three funds at the Community Foundation, Brenda has a total grasp of how things can be accomplished by working together. Gaston County and Gastonia has seen the benefit of the Gallagher, Baugh and Craig families in all they have done to support and foster those of us that make our homes here. They have proven to be “Givers” rather than “Takers” and we are very grateful.