In Gaston County, the Sadler Family is synonymous with education.

In Gaston County, the Sadler Family is synonymous with education due to the commitment of Mildred Sadler and Dr. Ed Sadler in the Gaston County school system. Dr. Sadler has served on the Board of the Foundation, as well as, the Grants Committee. Inspiration from his mother, Mildred Sadler, 2015 Allen H. Sims recipient, created the drive to develop two scholarships at the Foundation. One scholarship, named for his mother: Mildred J. Sadler Scholarship Fund and the other, William P. and Odessa Swann Phillips Scholarship. Their concern lies with providing the opportunity of continuing education for the following generations. Dr. Sadler and his family believe: “that one of the safest routes to success is through the acquisition of a college degree. It is for this reason that we have established the aforementioned scholarships in hopes that we might be able to assist with this endeavor.”

" of the safest routes to success is through the acquisition of a college degree. It is for this reason that we have established the aforementioned scholarships in hopes that we might be able to assist with this endeavor.”

- Dr. Sadler and his family